Interstices in MAtter
The solo exhibition Interstices in Matter at De Spanjaardshof in The Hague reflected on the history and architecture of the building.
The installation combined a previous project, Sub/liminal soundscapes, a video collaboration with Konstantin Guz video maker and Guido Dutilh dancer and new works made specifically for the presentation site, addressing multiple timeframes of past and present.
For the opening of the exhibition Interstices in MAtter during Hoogtij #66 (contemporary art tour the Hague), dancers Teresa Royo, Aya Misaki and Richel Wieles were invited to interact with the installed sound and sculptural works. The exhibition also included a projection of the video with Guido Dutilh dancer interacting with the sound installation.
Special thanks to Annemieke Louwerens and Westend Projektruimte